This is a fly from a couple of weeks back, and it is really great, so I’d like to share it with you. This is a pattern I found on youtube, from one of the guys from Piketrek in the UK, which they call a “Jellybelly”.
I didn’t have any of the (piketrek-) materials (yet), so again, I’ve made my own version of it.
This fly is about 18 cm long and tied on an Ad Swier pike fly hook, size 4/0.
- the tail is yellow flash’n slinky.
- and on top of that I used 3 kinds of SF (Steve Farrar’s) – flash blend: Bleeding orange, hot orange and bleeding red.
- some eyes (these are 14 mm 3D epoxy eyes in yellow/silver).
- the head is finished with a little bit of epoxy, or UV-whatever.
I already tied several of these, although I haven’t caught any fish with it yet, but the action in the water is so good, that it can’t take long anymore.
Lovely fly but steer clear of the Ad Swier hooks as you will loose more fish than you catch with them. I share this view with many pike fly fisherman that have visited me over the last couple of years.