Friday, 12 November 2010

Pike flies

This is a fly from a couple of weeks back, and it is really great, so I’d like to share it with you. This is a pattern I found on youtube, from one of the guys from Piketrek in the UK, which they call a “Jellybelly”.
I didn’t have any of the (piketrek-) materials (yet), so again, I’ve made my own version of it.

This fly is about 18 cm long and tied on an Ad Swier pike fly hook, size 4/0.
- the belly is pearl flashabou.
- the tail is yellow flash’n slinky.
- and on top of that I used 3 kinds of SF (Steve Farrar’s) – flash blend: Bleeding orange, hot orange and bleeding red.
- some eyes (these are 14 mm 3D epoxy eyes in yellow/silver).
- the head is finished with a little bit of epoxy, or UV-whatever.

I already tied several of these, although I haven’t caught any fish with it yet, but the action in the water is so good, that it can’t take long anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely fly but steer clear of the Ad Swier hooks as you will loose more fish than you catch with them. I share this view with many pike fly fisherman that have visited me over the last couple of years.
