Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Perch/pikeperch flies

The last few days, I’ve been experimenting a lot, with very disappointing results. There’s one pattern that might work, but I’m still not very satisfied (maybe more on that later).
I also did some more Christmas shopping (sales), but I didn’t find much that I could use. I even visited some yarn stores (I’ve seen some interesting stuff on other peoples blog), but came home (almost) empty handed. One can’t always be lucky, I guess.


Than I came across this stuff in one of my drawers. I bought this a few weeks ago in a flower shop (of all places).

It turned out to be very easy to use, so here are some perch/pikeperch sweets.

These are about 7 cm long, tied on a Gamakatsu LS-5013F (Aberdeen), size 2/0.


The first one on the left has a tungsten bead inside the head for extra weight. I’ve tied more like this, but I had to start a new brand of epoxy, which really sucks (trying something cheaper, isn’t always a wise thing to do), so the rest will have to wait.


These are about 9 cm, tied on a 3/0.

The good news is, I will probably be able to test them in a few days, because the temperature is rising!

And while I’m at it, maybe some practical stuff. I don’t know if you see it clearly on the pictures of the flies above (just click on the pictures to enlarge), but there is some flash material inside the epoxy heads. Actually, I do this a lot, but I’ve failed to mention it before.


I used to mix this stuff in the epoxy (which works very well), but this way, you will have the flashy stuff in the eyes as well (which I don’t like), unless you work with two layers of epoxy (which I don’t like either).


So I’ve been using this stuff for a while now. This is glitter glue for the kids (they can draw sparkly things with it). I just put it on the head before I put on eyes and epoxy. It’s very easy to use, very cheap, and it gives something extra to your flies…

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