Friday, 14 January 2011

Pike flies

So, after I got home tonight from Brussels (see my last post), I really wanted to tie a fly that I already made a couple of times in my head the last few days. It's a combination of some flies that I’ve tied in the past, the new tandem flies of the last couple of days, the tandem flies of Simon Graham and a fly I saw in ‘Passion for Pike’ (from Ad Swier) from Herman Broers.

This fly is tied on two Gamakatsu F 314’s, size 2/0.

The first hook (trailer):
- I’ve started with some orange Vampire Plush (chenille) around (1 cm of) the hook shank
- then orange bucktail around the hook shank
- some yellow Rainbow Krystal Flash on the sides, and orange Krystal Flash on top
- yellow saddle hackles on the sides, and orange grizzly saddle hackles on top
- yellow bucktail around the bottom, and orange bucktail around the hook shank (most on top). The orange is from the top and the bottom of the bucktail (this way you get orange mixed with black)

The second hook:
- I’ve started again with some orange Vampire Plush (chenille) around (1 cm of) the hook shank..
- yellow bucktail around the bottom, and orange bucktail around the top (again from the top and the bottom of the bucktail)
- some yellow Rainbow Krystal Flash on the sides, and orange Krystal Flash on top
- the head is yellow, orange and black polypropylene fibre (cut into shape), with some yellow/black Crazy Legs, and homemade epoxy eyes.

I am very satisfied with the result, so you can expect a lot more of these, although it won’t be in the next couple of days, because I’ll have very little time…

1 comment:

  1. Hello, i´m David Romanillos from Madrid(Spain). Very good blog and very goog flies.
