Saturday, 21 January 2012

Pike flies

Just two more colour experiments on the last pattern.

I really like this one, the orange mixes well with the white and black.

So I tried to improve it a little bit.

But that didn’t work out as well as I wanted. I did an experiment with the polypropylene fibre for the head. And although I think it looks pretty cool, it’s not what I was aiming for.

So regardless my intensions , I’m very satisfied with the fly nevertheless (you can only learn by t(r)ying)…

And now for something completely different…

Some asshole at blogspot tried to improve some things… well what ever idiot is responsible for it… go home man!!! It was already difficult to get some sort of nice layout for your blog, but now it’s a real disaster! Text and pictures jump from one side to another (if they even move at all) and there’s no logic you can follow to make it right. If this doesn’t change very soon, I will have to start a whole new blog elsewhere. So if anyone has a good suggestion about how and where, that would be more than welcome…


  1. Excellent fly tying, well done my friend.

  2. Nice combination of colours. you are definately an artist Stefaan!

  3. Richard and Michael, thanks a lot guys!
