Sunday, 28 October 2012

Pike on stamps 4

Those who have been following my blog for a while, know that I collect stamps with pike on it. And as I’ve mentioned before, there aren’t a lot of them out there. So the more stamps you find, the harder it gets.
These are the ones I found since my last post.


This is a nice one from Switzerland.


 One from the Netherlands


From Finland


From Mongolia

And one from Sweden

This next stamp I already had, but now I found a first day cover of it.

And the same stamp on what they call a ‘maximum card’.

And this last one I like a lot, a maximum card from the Aland Islands.

If you want to see the other ones, click on the label ‘stamps’ on the bottom of this post or in the right column of my blog.
And I’ll repeat my question, if there’s anyone out there who can help me to find some more, please let me know…


  1. Hello Stefaan:
    Very good idea!
    When I was a child, I jointed stamps for muy collection.
    Very good

  2. Hello Stefaan
    Bonne année 2013 !!!
    J'espère revoir très vite de beaux articles sur ton blog

  3. Hi,
    do you collect still pike on stamp?
    I've got more
