Now, what is this polypropylene fibre, I keep rattling on about?
Well this stuff is made for industrial use, in this case to make carpets.
It comes in a thread (on a bobbin), which is welded every few centimetre. So you still have a bit of work to do before you can use it.
I use this handy tool, which is a piece of wood with three nails in it (thanks for the tip Renzo).

This is the result.
Then take a wooden plank (but your oak table will work fine as well, if you don’t mind the scratches), and a comb like this.
Then comb everything out until you get your end result. Which is a fantastic fibre!
In various colours (I will have more colours soon).
And if you run out… just take a bobbin, and make some more.
that is a fantastic idea where do you buy the bobbins
Well Dave, that is the problem of course. You can check a weaving mill and ask for remains (there is often still a couple of hundred meters on a bobbin left), or the companies that sell it to the weaving mills, but then you will often have to buy a whole bobbin, which is 5 kg.
Either way, make sure you ask for PP BCF (Bulk Continuous Filament), so without twist or interruption in the thread.
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